The Color Purple |
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 |
Directed by: Steven Spielberg Taglines: -It's about life. It's about love. It's about us. Starring: Danny Glover Whoopi Goldberg Margaret Avery Oprah Winfrey Willard E. Pugh Akosua Busia
An adaption of the novel of the same name by Alice Walker. It's set in the early 1900s, and it's a story about two sisters who get separated. The film (and book) show poverty, black oppression, female oppression in the white and the black community and of course, hope.
I wasn't sure how I would like this movie. I knew it was an important film and should be viewed anyways, and I had heard (obviously) that is was good, but I was still unsure of how I would feel about it. It is a beautiful film. I tried not to cry, but I'm pretty sure a tear came down. Haha. Seriously though, it's very real, and heart breaking but also touching and very sweet. Yes, it is very long (we had to swich sides on the dvd) but it is worth it. I say, definetley rent this. The acting is simply fantastic - especially Oprah. I didn't think Oprah could act, but she was great in it. I was very surprised. Also another thing to note. Margaret Avery (who play Shug Avery) is absolutley gorgeous! She is stunning! So, rent it, and watch it. |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:36 PM  |
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