This installment of the Spider-Man series is a comedy as opposed to the previous two films. Honest opinion? It was ok. Topher Grace was surprisingly good. Of course I loved James Franco. When he was good, he was adorable and when he was evil, he was hot. Perfect acting for both sides. Really. Oh and Tobey Maguire, has a neck flab. Everytime it was a close up on his face I was like, "aaah neck flab" it was gross. Kirsten Dunst was ok, she was annoying at some parts, but other parts, she was annoying. Some of the graphics were um...bad. Like video game cutscene bad. Although, I think some video game cutscenes are a lot better. There were two parts that disappointed me A LOT. One, I can't say, (whoever figures it out gets a cookie). Second, during the final battle scene (ya, I know that's video game terms), as Spider-Man enters in, he jumps in front of an American flag. It's not discreetly either. The flag is the entire background for two whole minutes. Let me just insert a rant here: We get this movie is American, ok? We get it. Showing the flag and making it mean to be like that country is pretty much ubeatable and

awesome as "spider-man" is's pathetic. This qualifies (to me) as propaganda. I'm not saying this only applies to America, because it doesn't. If any other country did the same thing in this kind of film, where showing a flag isn't necessary and has no realy symbolism other than the use of propaganda is lame. I was not impressed in the slightest. Other than that, it was a pretty good movie. If you got a friend and the two of you laugh easily and small ridiculous things, see it. You'll laugh the entire time. Lisa and I were laughing throughout the movie. We even laughed at a portrait of Harry's (James Franco) dad. It was pretty funny. Oh, also something to note. Peter Parker goes EMO!!!!!! It's absolutley hilarious.