Yes, I know it is Ben Stiller week and the week is almost over with no Ben Stiller movies except for one. I've been sick latley so I have been trying to stay away from the computer. (It hurts my eyes). I'll make up for it. Starting with:
 The Royal Tenenbaums. Directed by: Wes Anderson Taglines: -Family isn't a's a sentence. -You are invited to a remarkable family gathering.
-Gene Hackman -Anjelica Huston -Gwyneth Paltrow -Ben Stiller -Luke Wilson -Owen Wilson
A family reunites when one of them, tells the rest he has a terminal illness. However, this family is a very special one. Children are emotionally scarred and all have different sorts of problems.
I don't remember much of this movie, but I remember likeing it. A lot. It was very interesting and it was funny in the mellow dramatic way it was.

Ben Stiller as Chas Tenenbaum, in The Royal Tenenbaums. Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |