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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 7
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Directed by: Joss Whedon
-Sarah Michelle Gellar
-Nicholas Brendon
-Alyson Hannigan
-Anthony Head
-James Marsters
-Emma Caulfield
-Michelle Trachtenberg

Buffy Summers is a vampire slayer and in this season, her and her friends will be fighting, "The First". With the help of good old Spike.

I pretty much watched the whole season while at Lisa's house. (Since she's in love with Buffy). She, of course, wanted me to do a review about it. I agreed, and it's a great excuse to look for and post videos of Spike. :D Have I mentioned how much I love him? I do. This season is fantastic because Spike is in pretty much every single one, and you really get to see a lot of him and his personality. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a really entertaining show and I love watching it, but the main reason I love it so much is for Spike, so yes, I'm going to talk about him. A lot.
You know what? Just rent it and see some of it. You'll fall in love. Here is a scene from the episode, "Beneath You." It's the most beautiful scene ever! The cinematography is gorgeous, the entire way it is filmed, gorgeous. The acting, god, Spike and Buffy, perfect. Sarah Michelle Gellar and James Marsters are simply amazing. I love this, especially the end bit with the cross. But I mean, the dialogue is beautiful, the acting, everything about this scene is perfect. It's also heartbreaking, especially if you know the story. Anyhoo enjoy.

Now I'm not sure what episode or season this next clip is from. (I'll ask Lisa, and get back to you on it). But, I found it while looking for Spike clips from season 7, and I laughed so hard! This is so brilliant. I absolutley love it. So much. It's another great Spike moment. I'd watch every single Buffy, just to see Spike.

posted by DirtyVelvet @ 1:28 AM  
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