First up is Jennifor Lopez. She was a presenter. Now, I'll do some constructive critisicm instead of straight out bashing her, as I would do with anyone else. The reason? Well, Kevin is in love with her. Anyways. I do have to give JLo some credit. She did look good. Her dress is beautiful, except for the side. The way it was open was kind of odd. If I could see her back, maybe I could judge it better, but in this picture it looks great. When she was on stage and moved her arms, there was this huge gap on the side and it just looked bad. But still. She did a good job. Hot.

Kate Winslet was nominated for Best Performance In a Motion Picture Drama. The movie was Little Children. She did not win, but she did look great. I'm not a huge fan of strapless dresses, but she made this one look fantastic. And that braclet is shiny. However he colour lipstick was not a good choice. It did not correspond to the rest of her ensemble. I know when your make up matches your clothes it means your old, I'm not saying she should of done that. That would've been sad. I'm saying, she should've picked a lighter colour. Rethink the make up next time Kate. Still though, hot.

Good god. I don't know if it's because I hate her so much or if it's because she just looks this godawful, but Renee Zellweger did NOT look well at all. She was there for Best Performance In a Motion Picture Comedy or Musical. She did not win and her dress did not make up for it. Ok, maybe her dress was nice. But that pose she's doing and just her I dislike. Good work on the clothes Renee, not so good work on yourself. Ya, that's mean, but that's what happens when you're in the show business. People tend to dislike you for no apparent reason. Get over it. Not hot.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Brad Pitt was there for Best Performance In a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture. The movie was Babel. Brad Pitt did not win but the movie did win Best Motion Picture Drama. Jolie was simply there for Brad. Well Brad Pitt got uglier after he left Jennifer Aniston for Angelina, (unless he's in those fancy outfits or is Tyler Durden) and Angelina, well she's pretty but her dress wasn't so. True this is just based on my taste and not "proffesional judgment", whatever the hell that means, but I dislike empire waists and she kinda has that going. It's not real empire waste but more in between which is even more annoying. The colour of the dress is nice and I love the way it flows at the bottom. But once again, not in for the strapless thing, so it kinda added to the dislike of the dress. Both not hot.

I'm not sure why Reese Witherspoon was there but I just HAD to mention her. She looked absolutley AMAZING!!!! Ok, yes in this picture her chin is kind of squared because it seems as though she is fighting back a laugh or smile, but she looks grogeous. I think the change is in her hair, however that just seemed to make all the more difference. It's beautiful, I love what she has done. I hardly recognized her when I saw her. She's gorgeous. Hot, hot, hot, hot!

Here is Jennifer Hudson. She was nominated for Best Performance In a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture. And she won!!! I loved her dress, her hair, her make up. She looked gorgeous and I am so happy she won. I love the way she was kicked off American Idol early on, but showed them all that not only can she really sing, but she can act and win a Golden Globe. Go girl! HOT!
Beyonces Knowles was nominated for Best Performance In a Motion Picture comedy or musical. She did not win. Ok, I know Beyonces is "hot" and we all know she knows it, but what the hell is with that pose of hers? Like...jesus, get over yourself. I'm sorry, she may be pretty and that dress may be nice, but I'm going with not hot simply becasuse she's atrocious. Ya, I said it. Atrosious.
Well I think that's a lovely place to end there. I'll pick up on the rest of them tomorrow. There is plenty more to do.
yeah go girl!