A prequel showing Hannibal Lector's (Gaspard Ulliel) childhood and young adulthood. How he became as we know him.
Let's start with this. I wasn't expecting this movie to be the greatest movie on earth. I wanted to see it because of Gaspard Ulliel and Gong Li whom, I love. However, this was really bad. Many of the lines were bad, many of the scenes were bad. Let me just say something about the begining of the movie. No one is allowed to put in a seriouse film, the shot, of someone holding someone they love, dead, looking up in the sky, with an overhead shot, screaming their name. No one ca

n do that, unless it's a comedy film.
No one. I laughed. I knew I wasn't supposed to, but I did. That was the first mistake they made. Now, the rest really is just, bad lines and some of the editing was bad. Like, there could of been more film footage or more explanatory scenes. I don't know, some parts, at the begining anyways, seemed kind of choppy. I'm not going to blame the actors, I did enjoy watching them. I think they did their best with what they were given. It's not such a bad movie that I wouldn't want to see it again. (Provide that I didn't pay for the rental). Actually, if I wasn't using any of my money on the film, I think I would see it again. It's not so horrible like, it's unwatchable. Just bad. I will say that this movie was
much better than 'Birth' which will be my next review. Now that movie was awful. At least I hand Gong Li and Gaspard Ulliel in this one. I did enjoy those two and I think Gaspard did a good job. He did play crazy, madman very well. He had the creepy grin, you know that's kind of hot, and the creepy eyes. Ya, he did psychopath pretty well. Gong Li is always fantastic. If you're a fan of those two. I say at least see it once. They are pretty good. Other than that. Pretty bad movie.
Thanks! Gong Li is gorgeous.