Sarah Pierce (Kate Winslet) is a surburban mother and wife who lives a miserable life and is afraid whenever her daughter shows affection towards her. Brad Adamson (Patrick Wilson) is a stay at home father, unsure of what he wants to do in his life, job wise. This is a film, about people living with eachother and learning from the most unexpected people in their lives.
This film...wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. I liked it, it was very well done, the acting was great and it was funny at times. I think it taught a valuable lesson, about people and lives in general. I liked the ending. It was kind of slow, but in a good way. There isn't much I can say about it. I say rent it. I can't really give a good reveiw about it because it's that kind of movie. It was well done, and it was a good film, I can say that. I wasn't disappointed, so...see it.