Directed by: Fruit Chan
Country: China

Starring: Ling Bai
An aging actress has found a woman (Ling Bai) whose dumplings are supposed to make one look beautiful again. However, there is a secret ingrediant which is rather gruesome.
This one was ok. The only really disturbing part was the crunching noise. That was gross. Ling Bai was absolutley adorable! She played her character fantastically. It wasn't horrifying as I expected it to be, but it was ok as a film. Some parts were not explained well, but Fruit Chan did make it into a longer movie, so if you rent it, watch the second disc which is 'Dumplings' just longer. I unfortunatley didn't get to watch it, but I bet it would explain a lot more.
Directed by: Park Chan-wook
Country: South Korea
Starring: Byung-hun Lee
A film director an

d his wife our kidnapped. The abducter demands several things from the director (Byung-hun Lee). If he refuses to comply his wife's fingers will be chopped off.
I liked this one more than Dumplings. The characters were developed more, I felt more for the characters. There was a lot of humour in it and this one left me very sad. I was very, very upset by this segment. At first, the ending is unclear, but then when you think about it, you realize what happened and it is very upseting. The actors were all amazing. This is one of my favorite segments from this film.
Directed by: Takashi Miike
Country: Japan
Starring: Kyoko Hasegawa

Kyoko is an author who has a reacurring dream about being put into a box and buried. It seems to be in connection with an accident involving her sister and a man who seemed to be their caretaker, when the two were circus performers.
This segment is also one of my favorites. It was very confusing and unclear but I still really enjoyed it. The atmosphere was incredibly creepy and Kyokko Hasegawa was great to watch in it. She played the part magnificently as did everyone else. This too had the characters well developed even though it was unclear what was going on. I definetley enjoyed this.
Here is the trailer. If you ignore the guys voice it's a really good trailer. It makes me want to see it again. I really did love this film, if you're into Asian films, and horror, rent it.