Demetri Martin, 22minutes... |
Thursday, November 30, 2006 |
So um, apparently some extra from Employee of the Month is selling some gum on ebay. This gum was chewed by Jessica Simpson. Ok. Ew. Moving on. Ok so I know this is old stuff. But I was bored and on youtube so I started watching one of my favorite comedians. Demetri Martin. Take a look.
He has a new cd/DVD out called "These are jokes." I plan on getting it. I think you should too. Hehe.
Anyone noticed those hideous shoes that aren't really around anymore. Well 'This Hour has 22 minutes' decided to make fun of them. I am SO happy television has noticed these ugly shoes.
Anyways, so 'This Hour has 22 minutes' is a Canadian satire news show. Kind of like the Daily Show, but Canadian and I think I like 22 minutes more. Oh well.
Ya, I know this is old news but, I just saw this recently. It's Maneater by Nelly Fertado. Is it just me, or did she used to not be uh...fake?
SO many things are wrong with this video! Ok, as you watch this...look ok she goes through a doorway which is "blocked off" by plastic. It looks like a serial killer's hideout. You know, one of the ones that do cut people up and normally have plastic lying around everywhere. (That's not a fact). Then she walks in and she doesn't give any of those people sitting on bleachers, a second look. And they all seem to just be staring at her. It's so creepy I have a hard time believing the dog would go there. They can sniff out shady things. And she walks like she's thinking, "ya, you wanna mess?" No, no shut up please, you look like a little girl. I could beat you. And then what happens? Oh she forgot all about her dog whom she loves so much she goes into this creepy underground building to find, and she starts spontaneously dancing! Then everyone around her is like, "Uh...ok?" Then they break out into dance because they can't resist her fantastic dancing! Um...doesn't she have a kid or something? Should her child be seeing this? Wasn't she all about like loving yourself or something? Now her album is called "Loose"? Sorry Furtado. You lost me. All respect ever had for you it's gone. I don't care, I'm not even going to look up the correct spelling for your name!
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 7:45 PM  |
Superman Returns: 6/10 |
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 |

Superman Retruns is finally out on DVD. Directed by: Bryan Singer Starring: Brandon Routh Kate Bosworth Kevin Spacey James Marsden Parker Posey I'm not really going to focus to much on the plot. I mean, everyone knows about Superman, right? If you don't, just rent it! So, pretyy much, Superman (Brandon Routh) returns from the remains of Krypton. It just so happens that while he was away, people lost faith in him and believe they don't need him anymore. Now he has to win everyone's love back. I actually haven't seen any of the old Supermans, but I think this one was pretty good and Brandon Routh did a really good job. He looks perfect (which Superman practically is) and he looks frighteningly similar to Christopher Reeve (the original Superman)  
Left is Christopher Reeve, right is Brandon Routh. Hehe, I hadn't noticed they switched the side his hair parted at. So they don't look exactly the same, but I think they look pretty smilair. I think Brandon Routh did a very good acting job. Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) on the other hand, well...she just kinda pissed me off. I'm not sure if it was the way she played the character or just her, either way she was annoying. Kevin Spacey played Lex Luther. Wow. He did an amazing job. He was funny and creepy. Lex Luther was one of my favorite characters other than the special appearance of James Marsden (Cyclops from X-Men. And I love X-Men). Honestly, I didn't even recognise him until halfway through the movie. I mean, when do you ever see Cyclops without sunglasses?
Anyways, so here is one of the hottest scenes in Superman Returns. (There is also one really beautiful moment, but I can't tell you what that is. :D) |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 6:30 PM  |
Harry Potter |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 |
Exciting news for Harry Potter fans. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out July 13, 2007. Lisa and I will be seeing it as soon as it comes out. More exciting for us, Helena Bonham Carter will be in it!! :D Yay! She will be playing Bellatrix Lestrange. I haven't read the books (except the first one) but I was told by Lisa (who absolutley loves Harry Potter) she is an evil witch. Sad for me, but judging from the flash of her from the trailer, she's dead sexy. Anyways, so the movie is about Voldemort's return and building an army and it seems as though the students are going to be building an army as well. We'll just have to wait and see.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:32 AM  |
Casino Royale: 7/10 |
Sunday, November 26, 2006 |
 Casino Royale (2hr 24min, in theaters.) Directed by: Martin Campbell Starring: Daniel Craig Eva Green Mads Mikkelsen Judi Dench Jeffrey Wright
James Bond (Daniel Craig) has just became aquired '00' status. The film is his first mission and in it, he is sent to Madagascar to spy on a terrorist. However, things don't go so smoothy and he ends up on the front page newspaper. M (Judi Dench) is furious with Bond, so James decides to investigate independently.
I'm not a huge James Bond fan. But I liked this one. A lot more than the others (of what I've seen). I thought the acting was pretty good, it wasn't completley sexist like some of the old ones and since it was the beginning, there was some emotion from Bond. As I had mentioned Friday, there is a scene involving parkour, in the film. I know it's hard to accept, but Bond is not good at parkour. Since he's just becoming 007, I'll let it slide for now. There was actually quite a bit of humour in the film, which I enjoyed. It had a good balance of humour, suspense, action. Oh, the poker scene was sooooooooooo long. If you like poker, you won't mind. But I thought that bit dragged on a little too much. Um, so Daniel Craig has this lip thing going on, I'm not sure if it's intentional or he's just like that, but his lip kind of sticks out. At first it's annoying, but then it becomes kinda sexy, although sometimes during close ups it looked odd. Oh, and his body was way to big and muscular for his head. He looked like the hulk. It was weird and gross. I suggest for the next movie, he ton that muscle down to a reasonable size. But I must say, he looked good in the tux. If you are hoping for some of the classic Bond gadgets, they aren't in this one. It's more just shooting and a lot of hand to hand combat.
So, ya, I liked it, it was good. I say see it. 7/10
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 2:33 PM  |
Madonna, Assasin's Creed. |
Friday, November 24, 2006 |
Here is Madonna's video, 'Jump.' It features the exercise/activity Parkour. Parkour is basically discovering your physical strength and abilities and then testing them by jumping off walls and climbing things. I think Parkour is a particularly interesting sport. David Belle is the founder of parkour and is the sports' most famour practitioner. Parkour seems to be spreading as it is now seen in films such as James Bond, 'Casino Royale.' I've heard there is a chase scene in which they portray elements of parkour. Anyways. Here's the video:
Something else that uses parkour is the new game, 'Assasin's Creed' by Ubisoft, (Creators of the Prince of Persia series). It is similar to Prince of Persia. It will be released on PS3, Xbox 360 and Pc. The game is during the Third Crusade. (Which was during 1189-1192. European leaders attempted to take the Holy Land from Saladin.) The character is named Altaïr. He is a member of the assasin sect Hashashin. There are three cities to travel to. Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus. Now this game is very interesting. The buttons corresponds to different parts of the body. I'm not sure if this is just an example or the actual controls, but here it is: X will control the feet, square will be arms with weapons, circle will be arms without weapons and triangle is your head. When walking in a crowded place (doesn't have to be crowded...) you can shove people out of your way, using the circle button. (arms without weapons) However, if you violently shove them, they may shove you back. And if you kill a random person in the crowd, the crowd may gang up together and attack you. Also, when you are doing your cool parkour movements, if there are many people around, they might gather and watch you in amazment, and this will attract unwanted attention from gaurds. Now, you may be wondering why you would have to use Altaïr's "head." Well, when you are in the different cities, you can hear the people talking in the language, of that city. If you use Altaïr's "head" (triangle) it will translate to english. If you're like me and trigger happy, just blasting your way through things and not at all steathly, you may dislike this game. It's all about stealth. Still, I'm really interested in this one and I'm going to give it a shot. It looks really good, exciting, clever. I can't wait. Also, you have stamina. It's more realistic than normal. Let's say uh...not being able to take repeated sword blows? Ya, you and your oppenent, will block fatal blows, but will also lose some stamina. Once stamina has been lost, you'll die. Or at least just be really, badly wounded. It seems as though this game is more realistic, in a sense and the character is much more interactive with the surronding environment. The release date is still to be announced. Here's the trailer.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 7:00 PM  |
Music Videos. |
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 |
Today, we focus mainly on music videos. Right, so I'm going to assume everyone has alreayd seen/heard Gwen Stefani's newest song. 'Wind it Up.' As for my opinion, well I think she should go back to No Doubt. Her songs all sound the same and I don't know if it's just me, but when she's singing the verses in this latest one, well, it's not that great. I think the only thing I like is the chorus. Except for the yodellay thing. Oh and I'm a fan of the crazy and weird. But this video is just bad! Except for the the part were she is handcuffed. And when the key is being pulled out of her mouth. That's hot. Anyways, here it is.
I hate to say this. But Justin Timberlake's sexyback is better than this. Though if there was a battle between Jimberlake's sexyback video and gwen's wind it up video. I'd chose Gwen's. Jimberlake's is just weird...
This is the last one I'm going to do today. I have a lot of stuff to do, so ya.
Now, I am a HUGE Depeche Mode fan. I love the brits, and I love their music. Depeche Mode's 'Best of' came out last tuesday, the 14th and here is the video for their single 'Martyr' The video is just a collage/montage of all their videos they have done. I believe there is concert footage in their as well. I freaking love this song and the whole montage thing is very well done.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 1:55 AM  |
Comic Relief, Tom/Holmes wedding, Explosm. |
Monday, November 20, 2006 |

On Saturday, November 18. Comic Relief aired from 9:00pm to midnight on HBO and TBS. If you don't know what Comic Relief is, well, it's a comedy fundraiser for victims of desastors of some kind. This year, it was victims of hurricane Katrina. It was also their 20th anniversary. The hosts of Comic Relief are Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Williams. This year, there was a wide variety of guests. Which, they call "the talents." Some of the talents included: Lewis Black, Dane Cook, Deb Wilson, DL Hughley, Doug Savant, Fred Wilard, Goerge Lopez and many more. To see the complete list, go here: http://www.comicrelief.org/this_years_show/thetalent.htm I'm ashamed to admit this, but I didn't get to watch all of it. To tell you the truth, I didn't even see one complete hour of it. But thank god, I saw two of my favorites: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. They weren't all that funny. The only real highlight was at the end, when Colbert asked Stewart if Billy Crystal was still there, then he asked Stewart to tell Crystal to "do the oscars again, they've really gone done." (I'm just paraphrasing this.) This was a little joke and insult to Jon Stewart, who hosted last year's (2006) Oscars.
One comedian I did miss who I would of like to have seen was Dane Cook. Since, I missed his hilariousness, here's a video of him on his Insomniac Tour.
Warning: Coarse Language. Mature material...blah, blah, blah. As if you'd listen.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married, 18/11/06. As I'm sure you've all heard. It took place in Italy at the Odescalchi Castle in Lake Bracciano. It's quite a beautiful castle. The head of Scientology, David Miscavige was Tom's best man, while Katie's maid of honour was her sister Nancy Blaylock. I really like their wedding photo despite the fact that I think Tom Cruise is brainwashing her and she should just run. But I must say, Suri is absolutley adorable!

Surprise, surprise. Keira Knightly is apparently getting married to fiancé, actor Rupert Friend. When? Sometime next year perhaps. It's also taking place, (maybe ?) in Italy, as well.
Now for some joy in life. This guys are great. Their comics are smart, witty, intelligent, retarded, non-sensical, sad, depressing, sexual, offensive and utterly hilarious! Reading their comic makes my day. Honestly. A great thing, is they update daily. (Unlike me. Oops).
 Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:50 AM  |
Blue Moon: 6/10 |
Friday, November 17, 2006 |

Today, is a novel by James King. It takes place in the 1940's. This is a novel about the real Evelyn Dick. Evelyn Dick was convicted for killing her husband. She obtained the name, "Torso Murderer" seeing as the head, legs and arms of his body were cut off. She was later convicted for the murder of her baby boy Peter David White, who was found, encased in cement under the floorboards of her home.
Novel: The Novel is from Evelyn's point of view and in it, she is innocent, in some way. There are many facts in the novel and elements which are true to the real events. Her life continues on to after she was released from prison, which is something unknown about the real Evelyn Dick.
I liked the book. It was good. Not great, just good. At the time I hadn't heard of the actual case of Evelyn Dick, so this book got me really interested in the murder. And it kind of makes you feel for her. Especially for me, since I didn't know it was based on a real woman prior to my reading of it.
There have been movies and tv shows made, about this event. I like thinking that the real Evelyn did what, the novel version did, after prison. But no one really knows what happened to her after she was released. She was going to be hanged, but her case was appealed and she, instead, got a life sentence in prison. She was paroled in 1958. Like I've said, no one really knows wh at happened to her after that.
Here is a picture of the real Evelyn Dick. Pretty isn't she?
If you're interested in the full story of Evelyn Dick, here's the website I got most of my information from. http://home.cogeco.ca/~mrcarle/evelyn.htm There is a photo of John Dick's (the victim) body as it was found. It's kinda gross. It's hard to tell where the head and arms would've been.
There have been several plays, television shows and movies made about her. All of this took place in Hamilton, Ontario in Canada. Her trial was around March in 1946. There isn't that much information about her, but what there is, it's pretty interesting.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:28 AM  |
Devil May Cry 4: Update? |
Thursday, November 16, 2006 |
I have decided to expand my reviewing to video games. My primary reviews will still be movies, but I'll be doing other things too. Anyways this isn't a review, but an update on Devil May Cry 4.

In this one, Dante will be older and perhaps even "rugged" as some, people/gaming magasins, have described. Since he is older here, it is believed that DMC 4 will take place before DMC 2. It will definetly have to be around the first and/or the second one. 
Every fan will know that Dante is the main character, in this series. Well apparently it's not so in DMC 4. There's a new main character and his name is Nero. He resembles both Dante and Vergil. He has the silver/white hair and is dressed in both blue and red. (Vergil and Dante's respective colours.) Dante will be in the game, but it's not sure if he will be a playable character or not. So far the plot is this: Dante is killing (?) religious worshippers of Sparda in some town. Nero, is going to stop him. That's what I heard, but remember, none of this is for sure. I'm not even sure if that plot is right. (Nero shown left. Dante shown above.)
Anyways, Nero doesn't have a demon trigger, but he has psychokinetic powers. He is also part of an Order of Knights. His weapons, so far include, a gun named 'Blue Rose' and a sword named 'Red Queen.' Nero has a demon fist of fire sort of thing. Apparently, there might be a multi-player of some kind. I dunno. It is assumed to be coming out in winter 2007 for the playstation 3. I'm going to assume that Vergil is in this game, as I have heard that Dante and Vergil have gotten specific types of clothing for the winter climate. (?) It is rumoured that a female character from one of the past DMCs will be returning. There is also a new female charatcher named Kyrie (below). 
Honestly though, I really hope the returning female character is Trish. Trish is fun to play with, I liked playing her in DMC 2 (yes she is unlockable.) Besides, I think she is the best out of all of them. Lady is mediocre, she doesn't really annoy me, but I really hope they don't bring back Lucia. Here's Trish (from the first DMC, obviously) and then a trailer for the upcoming Devil May Cry 4. Oh ya, when Dante says, "Return it to me..." some people think he is talking about his amulet and that Nero has it. We will just have to wait and see, won't we? 
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:20 AM  |
Munich: 6/10 |
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 |
Munich (164min, set around 1972, on dvd.) Directed by: Steven Spielberg. Taglines: -The world was watching in 1972 as 11 Israeli athletes were murdered at the Munich Olympics. This is the story of what happened next. Starring: -Eric Bana -Daniel Craig -Ciaran Hinds -Mathieu Kassovitz -Hanns Zischler
The film is set after the 1972 Munich Massacre. A group of assasins lead by Avnir Kaufman, (Eric Bana) are ordered to kill, Black September members. These specific Black September members, on the list, are thought to be responsible for the murder of the 11 Israeli athletes.
Munich was very well done, there's no question about it. Now, the enjoyment of this film depends on what genre you like. For me, it was well done, the acting was good, it was a good film in general, but I'm not a big fan of the kill the terrorist type movies. Although, I must say, the movie didn't have a good guy, bad guy. It pretty much just showed events happening and you were left to decide who was "good" or not. It's very unbiased. I liked that part of the film and I liked the whole...self discovery type, theme, sort of. Anyways, if you're into a thinking, kind of action type film. I think you'll like this. Especially if you were around/know a lot about the Munic Massacre, I think you'd appreciate it. Ya, like I said, in general, it's a good film, but I didn't find it absolutley spectacular, or anything like that. I say, rent it, at least. It's a good watch and it is very well done, the acting is good, there is sentimentalism. It's a good film. It didn't get a great rating from me because, it didn't touch me and only ones that really touch me get good ratings. But it's good, Spielberg did a wonderful job.
Sidenote: What I do absolutley adore, is the poster. I love that poster (above) and once you watch the film, you'll really get an understanding for it. The emotion from that poster (and movie) just emitts itself from it. It was nicely done.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 10:03 AM  |
Resident Evil: 2/10 |
Sunday, November 12, 2006 |
Resident Evil Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson Taglines: -A secret experiment. A deadly virus. A fatal mistake. -Survive the Horror. -No one is immune. -Death is not the end... just pray so. -You're Dead Scared, Face Your Fear. -They Made A Weapon Of Hopes Of Owning The World... It Turned Into A Nightmare. -Death is no escape. -You're All Going To Die Down Here. -Evil Never Dies. -Corporations like Umbrella think they're above the law, but they're not. -This Is Not A Game! -From the Director of Mortal Combat and Event Horizon. Starring: -Milla Jovovich -Michelle Rodriguez -Eric Mabius
A corporation has a secret laboratory, they've been doing experiments and created zombies. Blah, blah, blah. The virus has spread. A woman named Alice (Milla Jovovich) has amnesia and slowly throughout the movie she remembers who she is.
It pains my heart and soul, whenever I think about this movie. The only reason it has a 2 is because of the soundtrack. I hate this goddamned movie!!! It's unrealistic, Alice NEVER get's any cuts, bruises, dirty, messed up hair, blood on her, nothing. The only thing that happens is her dress gets shorter and shorter. *rolls eyes* Seriously though, what the hell? This is an insult to every single Resident Evil fan (game series). And I'm a big one. This movie wasn't even scary! I laughed! The video game is frightnening! A video game is scarier than this movie!!! If you want to see this movie, don't bother, play the game instead. You'll thank me for it. Damn, I'm not even going to bother ever renting the second one and I am certaintly not going to see the third or fourth. Oh, not only did they manage to screw the game, but the game characters. Ya, that's right, they messed those ones up real bad. I seriously hate this movie. I really do. If you aren't a RE game fan, and your interested in seeing it, well by all means, go see it. But as a warning, it's just a bad movie in general. Really though, Paul W.S. Anderson; there are starving children out there, why don't you use your money to help them instead of making cheap, rip-off crappy horror movies that are amazing video games! Jesus.
Favorite Taglines: -Survive the Horror. (You know why I like this one. 'Cause it's used in the video game!!!!) -This is Not a Game! (No shit, really? I figured that out after seeing this crappy movie. It's nothing like the game!!!!)
Sidenote: Marilyn Manson does most of the music, (The music is why this movie is getting a 2 and not a 0) Also 'Dirt' by Depeche Mode is part of this soundtrack and it is an amazing song. It's the only thing this movie did right. (The song is a cover. 'Dirt' is actually done by Iggy Pop.)
Remember this is only my opinion, if you like this film, that's great, really. But if you're an avid RE fan, please join me in the hatred towards this movie franchise.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 3:32 PM  |
Lola Rennt 8/10 |
Thursday, November 09, 2006 |
Today is Lola Rennt. (Translation: Lola runs, Run Lola Run or Lola is running. It is 81min and on dvd) Directed by: Tom Tykwer Taglines: -Jeden Tag, jede Sekunde triffst Du eine Entscheidung, die Dein Leben verändern kann. (English Translation: Every second of every day you're faced with a decision that can change your life.) -Es sind die kurzen Augenblicke, die über Leben oder Tod entscheiden können... (English Translation: The difference between life or death can be decided in a split second.) Starring: -Franka Potente -Moritz Bleibtreu
Lola Rennt (or Run Lola Run...etc) is a german film. Basically Lola (Franka Potente) has to get 100,000 Deutschmarks for her boyfriend, manni, (Moritz Bleibtreu) in 20minutes or else he will rob a grocery store, to get that money, which he owes to a gang. If he doesn't get the money back, he will die.
I am personally a fan of foreign films and Run Lola Run is definetly one of my favorites. It was done in 1998. The film shows the different ways Lola tries to get the money. It is a really well done film, though it might be boring at times, since she is mostly running. I suggest if you see it for a second time, watch it a while after, like a couple of weeks later or maybe longer. It's an interesting film to view, it shows and describes how, every little thing you do, affects everyone else's life. There isn't much else to say about this film, without revealing too much. I say you should at least give it a chance, rent it, watch it. Oh and when you do watch it, I strongly suggest viewing it in it's original language, german, and use english subtitles. (or whatever language you understand best) It's a very philisophical movie. It's interesting and overall very good. I enjoyed it a lot.
Favorite Tageline: Jeden Tag, jede Sekunde triffst Du eine Entscheidung, die Dein Leben verändern kann. (English Translation: Every second of every day you're faced with a decision that can change your life.)
Though really, I like both of them.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 5:06 PM  |
Silent Hill 10/10 |
 Silent Hill: (127min, set in the present, out on dvd.) Directed by: Christophe Gans Taglines: -Enjoy your stay. -The game is on. -The silence will be broken. -Welcome to Silent Hill. -Not so silent anymore. -Once you enter Silent Hill, there is no turning back. -We've been expecting you. Starring: -Radha Mitchell -Sean Bean -Laurie Holden -Jodelle Ferland -Deborah Kara Unger
Sharon, (Jodelle Ferland) the daughter of Rose De Silva, (Radha Mitchell) has been sleepwalking and suffers from nightmares. While in these 'trances' she says "Silent Hill." Rose decide to take her to Silent Hill, in hopes that it will help Sharon's nightmares cease. However the road to Silent Hill has been blocked off, because it is an abandoned town, which burned down some years ago and is seen as a "dangerous" place, but Rose is determined to get to it. She ends up in a car chase with a police officer, Cybil Bennett, (Laurie Holden) and they end up crashing into the entrance to Silent Hill. (breaking the fence, you know, all that) When Rose wakes up, Sharon is gone and she now enters Silent Hill in search of her daughter, while discovering it's past.
If you are a Silent Hill fan from the video game series, then I think you will love this movie! It sticks to the original Silent Hill plots, it is true to the video game, they even used the video games series music composer Akira Yamaoka. It wasn't a disappointment like Resident Evil. (Horrible movie) This movie kept me on edge, just like the game. It was scary, mysterious, it has meaning to it. It was a very well done film and I really appreciated the fact that it was true to the video game series. Unlike (some) movies, this one, when they got sprayed with blood, it stayed there! As it should. Very realistic. By the end of the movie, I thought Rose had changed her outfit, it was so drentched with blood. It was an amazing film. The acting was great, I believed it, it was really, really good. I liked it a lot.
Favorite Taglines: -Enjoy your stay. -Welcome to Silent Hill. -We've been expecting you.
Sidenote: Look out for the nurse. She's a good actress and really pretty. I believe it's the first movie she has ever done.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:51 AM  |
The Black Dahlia: 4/10 |
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 |

Today is The Black Dahlia: (121min, set in the 1940's, soon to be on dvd.) Directed by: Brian De Palma Taglines: -Inspired by the most notorious unsolved murder in California history. Starring: -Josh Hartnett -Aaron Eckhart -Scarlett Johansson -Hilary Swank -Mia Kirshner
The Black Dahlia is based on the novel (of the same name) by James Ellroy, which is based on the real murder of Elizabeth Short.
In the film, two detectives, Dwight Bleichert (Josh Hartnett) and Lee Blanchard (Aaron Eckhart) are investigating the murder of Elizabet Short. (Mia Kirshner) They become obsessive in finding her murderer, especially Blanchard. Because of this Kay Lake, (Scarlett Johansson) Blanchard's girlfriend, becomes aggravated that Blanchard isn't home and ya.....TO THE REVIEW!!
HUGE DISSAPPOINTMENT!!! Oh my god. When I decided to see this movie, at the time, I didn't know anything about it, so I didn't know it was based on the novel, which was based on a real murder. So, before seeing the movie I decided to research the real Black Dahlia. I became fascinated with it and couldn't wait to see what they had done with this mysterious murder, in the film. It was the most boring 121 mins!! Which is acutally like, what 2hrs and somethig? Almost 3hrs? You know what's worse than a boring movie? A boring movie that's long!! It felt like an eternity and the only reason I'm giving this a 4 instead of a 0 is because Mia Kirshner and the blonde lesbian bartender were really good. I think that's the only good thing in this film. I want those 2hrs of my life back! Oh, there was something else in the film that was enjoyable only because it got a "wtf." Yes, I used "wtf." There's this part where Bleichert and Blanchard are in the newsroom place, and randomly there is a mild earthquake, everyone holds on to everything and looks around franticly, then it stops, and they all go back to work. That's it!!! Ok, we know California has earthquakes, but damn. Ugh, I could go on like this forever! Oh, it's also kind of hard to follow, there are subplots, but if you really pay attention and follow along, it's not that difficult. But uh, ya, over all it only got a 4 because of Mia Kirshner and that blond whose name I don't know. Her part was small, and I couldn't find her name or anything. Anyways. Ya.
Sidenote: Scarlett Johansson, does NOT look sexy in 1940's underwear. k.d Lang has a cameo. If you are interested in the real murder of Elizabeth Short, here is an amazing site, where I learned all I know about it. http://www.bethshort.com/
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 10:13 AM  |
Gattaca 10/10 |
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 |
 Today is Gattaca: (101min, set in the "near future," out on dvd.)
Taglines: -There is no gene for the human spirit. -How do you hide when you're running from yourself? -Only one criterion: genetic perfection. -Only the strong succeed.
Directed by: Andrew Niccol
Starring: -Ethan Hawke -Uma Thurman -Jude Law
Gattaca is a sci-fi oldie, made in 1997.This movie takes place in the "future" where upper class people genetically design their babies. They are known as "valids." The children born the traditional way are known as "invalids." Everyone is profiled by their DNA, so the valids get all the proffessional jobs wherease the invalids who easily get diseases, only obtain small insignificant jobs. This story is about a man named Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke). He is one of the last natural babies of the world. His lifelong dream is spacetravel. However in this genetically enchanced world, where people are made via genetical engineered in-vitro thus making them pretty much perfect, Vincent can't travel in space. He has too many health problems and is seen by the valids as a degenerate. In order to trick the system he uses the DNA of a valid as his own.
I absolutley love this movie. It is definetly one of my favorites. The acting, everyone's acting is absolutley amazing, the filming is beautiful, it was never boring. It was pure amazment. It might seem slow at first, (but the good kind of slow, which I like) there isn't any shooting action or anything like that, it's not really an action type film. It's a very touching film, it's beautiful and I cried, you'll cry. There isn't anything I can really say about this movie except that it was amazing and so beautiful. I (as you may have noticed and/or guessed) give it a 10/10.
Favorite Tageline: How do you hide when you're running from yourself?
If you haven't seen it. Go see it. It's out on dvd, has been for a while, go rent it.
Sincerly, DirtyVelvet
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 9:58 AM  |
The Secret: Trailer! |
Sunday, November 05, 2006 |
All right, today isn't going to be a review, but a trailer.
The Secret is a horror, thriller directed by Vincent Perez and starring: -David Duchovny -Olivia Thirlby -Lili Taylor
This movie looks a little creepy, (creepy as in weird, awkward, not sure if I want to see this) but it still seems interesting and I think the fact that David Duchovny is in it just makes me want to see it a lot more. Basically the movie is about a wife who dies and her spirit goes into her daughters body. Sooo the daughter is pretty much saying (to her father) she's his wife. Get why I said it's creepy?
Sidenote: Parts of the movie was filmed at John Abbott. One of my best friends is an extra. Her and David Duchovny in the same movie? How delightful. :D
The release date hasn't been announced, but I believe it might be comming out sometime this year. (don't laugh it's almost 2007) Anyways, here is the trailer. (The music at the very begining is 'How to Disappear Completley' by Radiohead. :D)
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 5:04 PM  |
The Prestige: 8/10 |
Friday, November 03, 2006 |

First movie up is The Prestige: (2hr 10min, period piece set in London. In theaters now.) Taglines: -A Friendship, That Became a Rivalry...A Rivalry, That Became a Battle. -Are You Watching Closely? Directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring: -Hugh Jackman -Christian Bale -Scarlett Johansson -Michael Caine -David Bowie Robert Angier (Hugh Jackmam) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) are two young magicians who are at first friends, but soon become enemies. This obsessive rivalry not only endangers Angier and Borden, but it also jeopardizes people around them. Angier becomes especially obsessive once Borden performs a trick, which he cannot do or even figure out how to do it.
I was quite excited to see this movie, due to the visuals of the trailers. Once I actually saw the movie, I was more pleased with what I saw, than expected. At first it starts off slow and very long, but it takes off quickly and soon has you involved with the magic. One of the many things I was impressed with, was the acting. Hugh Jackman plays the obsessive Robert Angier with belief. You can clearly see the obsessiveness and strain as he tries to figure out how Borden performed his trick. Angier's quest is to ultimatley beat Borden at being successful as a performer. This is the same quest Borden has, however, the movie focuses more on Angier's point of view rather than Borden's. Christian Bale played the mysterious Alfred Borden. Bale did a very impressive job at acting the sly and witty Borden. There's not much else to say about him. Overall I enjoyed the movie thouroughly, it did not disappoint me and the appearance of David Bowie as Nikolas Tesla made me happy. (He was also very good.) Sidenote: If anyone is interested, The Prestige is an adaption of Christopher Priest's novel of the same name.
I give it an 8/10. If you haven't seen it, and you like magic, rivalry set in period pieced times, I suggest you see it.
Second sidenote: By the way, the song playing during the closing credits is "Analyse" off of Thom Yorke's recent solo album titled "The Eraser." If your into that kind of music (i.e: Radiohead, alternative kind of stuff) I suggest you listen to that as well.
Favorite Tageline: "Are You Watching Closely?" If you've seen it, feel free to leave a comment and a rating with your opinion on the movie.
Thanks, that's all for today, DirtyVelvet. |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 7:31 PM  |
Hello. |
Hello people, I just recently (more like a couple of minutes ago) got this blog. I have decided to do movie reviews which are currently in theaters and/or out on dvd. I look forward to this reviewing and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. I must be off, later. |
posted by DirtyVelvet @ 10:10 AM  |
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